Friday, September 10, 2010

How to use your KBA email

In Media Studies there will be times when I ask you to complete work and send it to me electronically. This could be a Word document, a Powerpoint presentation or something else. I will also need to send you things. Using email to do this reduces the need to print and waste paper as well as allowing us to communicate more effectively.

You may have an email address of your own but, for all school related work, you must use your KBA Microsoft Outlook email address.

Below, you will find an explanation of how to log in to your account.


Go to KBA's home page at


Hover the mouse over the link for STAFF at the top of the page. A drop-down menu will appear.


From the drop-down menu select STAFF WEBMAIL.


Click on the underlined link Click here to login.  A new window will open.


You need to input your user name and password. These are the same as you would use to log on to the PCs when at school.

e.g. : user name = 1966beckhamd (XXXX surname first initial)


Click log on and Microsoft Outlook should open. Sometimes you have to go back and re-enter your user name and password - don't take this personally!

Once you have logged in to your account you will be able to send and pick up email communications. I will go through this process in class and explain how to do the basics.

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