Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Preliminary Task Filming

You need to film the footage require for your preliminary task and download it to the Mac allocated to your group in the Media Room.

Remember to use your storyboard to help you plan and organise your 'shoot'. You will need to take photographs of your storyboard and post them to your blog after you have filmed.

Cameras and tripods can be booked out from the LRC for periods of up to 24 hours.

Footage must be saved as a Quicktime movie on your desktop ready to be edited during our double lesson on Monday 11th October.

Introduction to Horror Film Genre

In today's lesson I introduced the concept of film genre and we looked at the conventions that we would expect to find in a horror film.

You were all asked to do the following for next Monday's lesson (11th October):

  1. Produce a Powerpoint presentation which briefly shows the history of horror films. (The last few slides of your ppt should show some research you have carried out into one of 20 of the most famous horror films.)
  2. Embed this ppt into your blog using your Slideshare account.
The ppt I used in class is embedded below.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Transitions and Effects

During today's lesson you were all shown how to use transitions and effects whilst editing. The best way to find out what these are and how to use them is to use the media room in your study periods and practise.

Downloading from camera to Mac

This explanation is for the Canon Legira cameras that we use in Media Studies. By following this step by step guide you can get your footage from your camera into FCE.

You will need:

A Mac (!)
A Canon Legira camera complete with charger and USB lead.


  1. Plug the power lead into the camera (DC in) and a plug socket.
  2. Connect the camera to the Mac by using the USB lead.
  4. Load i-Movie - this will be in the dock and looks like a star with a video camera in the middle of it!
  5. Create a new project.
  6. Once i-Movie has loaded you can turn the camera on.
  7. Change the camera from movie mode to playback mode and select connect to PC / Printer.
  8. i-Movie will now detect the camera and look for images.
  9. Select the shots you want to import and click on import checked.
  10. Poster images will now be generated.
  11. Select all the poster images (select the first, press the shift key and click on the last to select them all).
  12. Drag these images into the top window - an editing tip will appear but ignore this.
  13. You will be told how much footage and how many clips you have downloaded.

You now need to get this footage onto the desktop of the Mac.

  1. Select SHARE from the toolbara t the top of the screen.
  3. You will need to name the clip and select a location for this to save.
  4. Once you have done this you can export the footage you have taken as a QT Movie.
  5. This movie can then be copied and pasted into FCE.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Introducing Final Cut Express (FCE)

FCE is the video editing package we use in Media Studies at KBA. 

In our lesson today you will be introduced to the basics of FCE. This will help you to learn how to edit footage for your preliminary task and foundation portfolio.

I would recommend that you all take some time to view the range of online tutorials provided by Apple for FCE. These will allow you to develop your skills.

FCE tutorials can be found at the link below.

Final Cut Express Tutorials 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Using the video cameras

In our lesson on Monday 20th September we looked at the Canon Legira video cameras and tripods that we use in school. You will all be issued with ID cards soon so that you can book equipment out. The best way to get used to how the cameras work is to actually use them.

On Wednesday we will look at how to transfer footage from the cameras to the Macs and also how to do basic editing.

Make sure you update your blogs.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Using the Correct Terminology

In our lesson yesterday we discussed some of the terminology used to describe camera shots, angles and movements. Should you wish to take a closer look at this please use the link below.

Basic Camera Shots, Angles and Movements

Planning Your Preliminary Task

The temptation for everyone who is given the task of producing a piece of film is to want to grab a camera and go out and start filming. This is, however, a short-cut that normally leads to poor results. Planning what you are going to film is essential if you are to get all the footage you need in order to be able to edit successfully.

You were all given storyboarding sheets during the lesson on Wednesday 15th September. As a group you need to plan your preliminary task, including subject specific vocabulary relating to camera shots, movement and angles.

You will have the chance to complete these during the lesson next Monday. If you were absent, you need to talk to other members of your group.

Monday, September 13, 2010

OCR Guide to Basic Camera Movement

OCR Guide to Basic Camera Shots

Intro to Preliminary Task

Making your first post

I would like you all to make your first post to your blog.


This should be titled My First Post and needs to include a description of the things you have been introduced to during your first lessons. This should include:

  • Setting up your Blogger account
  • Using your KBA email
  • Seting up a Slideshare account
  • Having the Prelim inary Task introduced to you
  • Geting into groups - who is in yours?
  • Introduction to basic terminology for shots and camera movement
I would like to congratulate you all on your attitude towards my lessons. Thank you.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Embedding a Powerpoint presentation in your blog using Slideshare

Adding a Powerpoint presentation to your blog is called 'embedding'.

The powerpoint presentation below - which I have embedded from Slideshare - tells you how to embed a Powerpoint presentation from Slideshare.....

Setting up a Slideshare account

One of the things you need to be able to do in Media Studies is put Powerpoint presentations into your blog. This is a simple thing to do but you need to create an account with Slideshare in order to do it - don't worry, it doesn't cost anything!

(Before you do this you need to know your KBA email address.)

Here is how you do it:


Go to


Click on Signup in the top right-hand corner.


Enter a user name, email address and password. These should be:

user name = first and last name

email = KBA email address

password = something you will remember! It would be a good idea to use the same password that you have for your blog.

Leave the account type set as default!


When you have done this an email will be sent to you asking you to verify your email address. Once you have done this you will be able to log in to your Slideshare account. You will then be able to publish Powerpoint presentations to the web and embed them in your blog. Simples!

How to use your KBA email

In Media Studies there will be times when I ask you to complete work and send it to me electronically. This could be a Word document, a Powerpoint presentation or something else. I will also need to send you things. Using email to do this reduces the need to print and waste paper as well as allowing us to communicate more effectively.

You may have an email address of your own but, for all school related work, you must use your KBA Microsoft Outlook email address.

Below, you will find an explanation of how to log in to your account.


Go to KBA's home page at


Hover the mouse over the link for STAFF at the top of the page. A drop-down menu will appear.


From the drop-down menu select STAFF WEBMAIL.


Click on the underlined link Click here to login.  A new window will open.


You need to input your user name and password. These are the same as you would use to log on to the PCs when at school.

e.g. : user name = 1966beckhamd (XXXX surname first initial)


Click log on and Microsoft Outlook should open. Sometimes you have to go back and re-enter your user name and password - don't take this personally!

Once you have logged in to your account you will be able to send and pick up email communications. I will go through this process in class and explain how to do the basics.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Welcome to Year 12

Your first task as a Media Studies student is to create your own blog. This is where you will produce the majority of your work for this subject - being a trendy 21st century subject we don't use exercise books!

It is vitally important that your blog is updated on a weekly basis and that you record all of the work you are completing in preparation for your Foundation Coursework Portfolio.

A blog (short for web log) is a way of being able to combine elements such as text, pictures, videos and powerpoint presentations for other people to see.

During your first lesson you will be shown how to start 'blogging'.